One thing that causes me happiness is that I don’t live in a large city. Sure, there are times I wish for some of the perks that come with urban
Read moreAnd in case you missed her first column, here is a little about Mrs. Yoder: “First of all I will introduce us Yoders, a total of 10 of us altogether.
Read moreNo matter how much things may change, some truths never go out of style. Tell that to the unbelieving younger generation. Examples: Yo u can buy a house, but not
Read moreA story made its way to me from Dr. Ron Bullard via his brother, Steve, last week. It is a long ago story about the Allen Mustang (oops, I mean
Read moreFall! I’m glad fall finally got here. Although the temperatures aren’t quite right for a sweater just yet, at least we’ve been getting some rain and the evenings have cooled
Read moreFor the past several weeks I have absorbed rhetoric on social media, and accounts from friends regarding the election of a new city council and ultimate appointment of a new
Read moreThis is a true story and a little different from my usual topics, but I thought it was hilarious, even a little racy. If you have young children or if
Read moreHello everyone. Due to the number of inquiries I have received, I felt compelled to explain the duties and responsibilities of the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. You most likely are aware
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