Profound proclamations concerning life
Read moreThe funeral for Evan's brother-in-law had concluded two hours ago. And now a small group of grieving family and friends were gathered in Evan and Shaylie's home to share memories, laughter, tears, and encouragement. The front door opened again. Nothing unusual about that, people had been arriving every few minutes. But this guest was different, those nearby immediately noticed her and turned to watch her en - trance. Which then attracted the attention of everyone else. As she hesitantly stepped through the door, her slight body moved with a slow awkward gait. Her tense shoulders rounded for - warded as if to protect her from painful blows. Both hands clutched the small handbag she held in front of her as she moved only a few tentative steps forward, then dwindled to a stop. As the host, Evan came forward to greet her. He reached out his hand, introduced himself, and welcomed her into his home. He didn't recognize her, but he assumed she was a friend of someone in the family. The anguished eyes that met his were darkened with an inner turmoil as she quietly spoke to him. Something was very obviously troubling her, and he assumed the cause to be the sudden death of his brother-in-law. So he quickly turned to search through the guests to locate his wife. Hoping that kind lady would come to his rescue.
Read moreHelp with everyday survival kit
Read moreDivision of the human family into two distinct political groups began some 12,000 years ago. Humans existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunter/gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains in the summer and would go to the beach and live on fish and lobster in winter.
Read moreA pastor places his order at the pet store. “I need at least 50 mice, 2,000 ants and as many of those little silverfish you can get.”
Read moreAugust Sunlight This summer we have seen our usual hot sunshiny days of over 100F with the sun’s angles being sharp and anxious to inflict skin cancers. Just another proven fact we chose to ignore each summer. But even sunscreens can only provide limited help and I am one who can testify that skin cancers are not only a rude interruption to your life, they can be painful and deadly. That’s one reason my grandpa, J. T. Bullard, farming down on Goat Ridge, worked in a long sleeve shirt and wore a broadbrim hat. He was a farmer and knew how to cover up. I think they might call that wisdom.
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